Monday, December 1, 2014

Teacher inquiry - action research in our library and classroom

Our school has a program of collaborative inquiry teams for professional learning: teacher inquiry groups. Proposals are submitted by teachers who would like to lead an inquiry and teachers sign up for their preference.

TIGs are inspired by the action research model of teacher inquiry and their intention is to sharpen focus on an aspect of teaching in order to improve classroom practice.

image from the Santarosa Professional Development Centre,

This year, I led an action research inquiry into ebooks. Our common focus was reading, although we each took a slightly different line of inquiry, investigating the impact of one instructional intervention on student learning in our library/classroom. My line of inquiry related to ebooks and reading promotion; another investigated ebooks as learning resources; another looked at ebooks and improved reading outcomes; and another investigated a range of reading promotion activities.

The libguide for establishing this inquiry can be accessed here.

The report for our inquiry group and my inquiry into ebooks and reading promotion is available in the video below: