Saturday, November 16, 2013

Vloggers, Booktubers and reading promotion

My November YA newsletter from Goodreads sent me on another trail of exploration from its Meet a Goodreader column, introducing Ariel Bissett.  Now I have to confess to knowing little about vlogging so I looked up the link to Ariel's channel. She certainly communicates with lots of personality and passion. Ariel has created some fun tags for her discussions- The book sacrifice; The book haul; Branching out; Birthday extravaganza; Book to movie. I have noticed some of these are popular with other vloggers.

In the Goodreads profile Ariel mentions Booktubes  and a search led to the SPL Booktubes channel.
What a cool idea.  Create a Booktubes channel for your school students to share their book vlogs. I'm thinking the school CCA program might be a good way to start. Even if students don't want to  create, they may find these booktubers inspiration for their own reading.

So I will create a page on my Into reading library website and add the link here when that is done.
Here it is

Who are some other good booktubers? The YA bookmark blog had a really good post on YA vloggers, and some good suggestions in the comments too. Lauren reads also has a good list.

Here's a list of others that come recommended, that I like:

Here is a good technique, and not OTT like so many are. Use of visuals is clever and would help students who would prefer to be off-camera:

This one starts each video with a signature animation:

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